70 Architectural Styles (Part 4)

70 Types of Architectural Styles

  An Architecture Style refers to method of construction and form of building, which is identified in terms of design and history. An Architectural style is developed within a country and keeps changing depending on technology, religion, beliefs, materials available, fashion and requirement.

We would like to share 70 Known Architectural styles which helped in developing the architecture style in which we are living today.
31.  Queen Anne Architectural style - 1870 to 1914
The Carson Mansion in Eureka, California Source: Google 
This is British Architecture in queen Anne style mostly used for domestic building up to the size of manor house built by local builder with formal elevation.

32. American Renaissance Architectural style - 1876 to 1917
Banker Trust Building, New York Source: Google
This was heir to Greek Democracy, Roman law and Renaissance humanism, period of American architecture.

33. Art nouveau Architecture style - 1890 to 1910
Casa Batllo, Barcelona Source: Google
Mackintosh and Gaudi were notable exponents of art nouveau. In these Architecture style organic forms along with elements of Rococo and Hector Guimard's art was adopted.

34. Early Modernism Architectural style - 1900 to 1914
The Iconic Flatrion Building, New York Source: Google
Innovative technologies of construction, use of glass, steel and reinforced concrete were key features which were base for modern architecture. Ornamental building was reduced and focus was laid on function of the building.

35. Prairie Architectural style - Late 19th and early 20th century
Heurtley House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Source: Google
The style is usually marked by horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs with broad overhanging eaves, windows grouped in horizontal bands, integration with the landscape, solid construction, craftsmanship, and discipline in the use of ornament.

36. Nordic Classicism Architectural style - 1910 to 1930
The city hall of Ostersund, Sweden Source: Google
Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland were countries where Nordic Classicism was seen. It was parallel of Art Nouveau and Modernism.

37. Futurism Architectural style - 1912
Perspective drawing from La Eitta Nvova by Sant' Elia Source: Wikipedia
In the early-20th century Futurism Architectural style emerged in Italy. It was characterized by long horizontal lines and streamlined forms suggesting speed, dynamism, movement and urgency.

38. Expressionism Architectural style - 1910 to 1924
Goetheanum in Dornach near Basel, Switzerland Source: Wikipedia
Expressionist is one of the three dominant styles of modern architecture. Expressionist architects used materials such as concrete and glass to create novel sculptural forms and massing, sometimes distorted and fragmented to express an emotional perspective.

39. Modernism Architectural style - 1917 to 1965
Walter Gropius, Bauhaus Building, Dessau Source: Google
'Form Follows Function' was concept behind this architectural style. Specialist designers for different aspects of buildings were seen. there was more detailing and complexity in terms in structural systems, services and technology.

40. De stijl Architectural style - 1917 to 1931
The Rietveld Schroder house in Utrecht Source: Wikipedia

This Architectural design was developed in Netherlands and Strong geometric lines, bold primary colours and distinct functional elements were adopted.
