70 Architectural Styles (Part 6)

70 Types of Architectural Styles

  An Architecture Style refers to method of construction and form of building, which is identified in terms of design and history. An Architectural style is developed within a country and keeps changing depending on technology, religion, beliefs, materials available, fashion and requirement.

We would like to share 70 Known Architectural styles which helped in developing the architecture style in which we are living today.

Architectural Style Part 5 click here

51. De-constructivism Architectural style - 1980
Seattle Central Library by Rem Koolhaas & OMA Source: Wikipedia
De-constructivism style gives the impression of the fragmentation of the constructed building. Absence of harmony, continuity and symmetry was seen in buildings.

52. Sustainable Architectural style - 1989
Hanging garden of One Central Park, Sydney Source: Architecturaldigest.com
This style has passive design measures, such as use of solar energy by using thermal mass.it uses ecological conservation in the design of build environment.

53.  Biobitecture Architectural style - 2002
Selfridges Department Store, birmingham, U.K. Source: Ylighting.com
During this style building were have organic, amoeba shaped form.

54. Parametricism Architectural style - 2008
Zaha Hadid Architecture- Azerbaijan Cultural Centre, Baku Source: inhalemag.com
Parametricism style has its origin in parametric design. This style can be promoted as successor of modern architecture and postmodern architecture.

55. Green Building Architectural style - 2008 onwards
Robinson Tower in Singapore Source: CNN.com
This style is approach to building which minimizes the harmful of construction project on human health and environment. Some of the key features are:-

  • Ventilation systems designed for efficient heating and cooling
  • Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
  • Water-saving plumbing fixtures
  • Landscaping with native vegetation and planned to maximize passive solar energy
  • Minimal harm to the natural habitat
  • Alternative renewable energy power sources such as solar power or wind power
  • Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials used inside and out
  • Locally-obtained woods and stone, eliminating long-haul transportation
  • Responsibly-harvested woods
  • Adaptive reuse of older buildings
  • Use of recycled architectural salvage
  • Efficient use of space
  • Optimal location on the land, maximizing sunlight, winds, and natural sheltering
  • Rain water harvesting and grey water reuse
Other than above mentioned Architecture style in chronic order, there were some other Architectural style which are still world famous

56. Buddhist Architectural style - 273 to 236 BC
The Great Stupa in Sanchi Source: esamskriti.com
Buddhist architecture was religious architecture, . Monastries (viharas), places of venerate relics(stupas) and shrines or prayer hall( chaityas) were key features of this architectural style

57. Dravidian or Vesara Architectural style - 500 to 1195 AD
Vittal Temple- Hampi - Stone Chariot - Vijayanagra Emprire Source: steemit.com
This style was started by Chalukyas and later refined by Rashtrakutas and chalukyas of Kalyani, which was later continued by Hoysala empire. This style was developed in Southern part of India also known as Tamil or South Indian temple style. The key features were high gatehouse and large temples. These temples have pillared halls and porches. Gods and nature were depicted and carved out of stone which were used as finish of these temples in natural or coloured way.

58. Kalinga Architectural Style - 6th Century AD
Lingaraj Temple, Odisha Source: Wikipedia
This Style is also called as Hindu Architecture flourished in the ancient Kalinga or presently eastern Indian state of Odisha. The various aspects of a typical Kalinga temple include architectural stipulations, iconography, historical connotations and honoring the traditions, customs and associated legends. Primarily certain classes of stones are considered auspicious for the construction of Kalinga deula (temples). Shilpa Chandrika, an ancient architecture book define some specific seven varieties of stone as ideal and specific types are used for certain portions of the temple :
1.   Sahaṇa
2.   Chhita Sāhaṇa
3.   Baḍa Pagaḍa
4.   Dhobā Kuṇḍa
5.   Rasa Chiṇḍa
6.   Niḷa Kusāṇa
Though clay bricks have been used in very rare cases most Kalingan temples are built using stones.
59. Indian rock cut Architecture style - 100 BC to 170 AD
Cave 19, Ajanta Caves, a 5th Century Chaityahall Source: Wikipedia
There are more than 1500 known rock cut structure in India. Many of these structures contain artwork of global importance, and most are adorned with exquisite stone carvings. It is the practice of creating a structure by carving it out of solid natural rock. Rock that is not part of the structure is removed until the only rock left makes up the architectural elements of the excavated interior.
60. Maurayan Architectural Style - 322 to 185 BCE
Palace of Maurayan period Source: Google
This Architectural style was produced during Mauryan empire in Indian subcontinent especially Ashoka. Pillars, Stupas are prominent survivals. Brick, stone and wood were used as material for construction.
